
Award Categories


Bernice Adams Legacy Awards recognizes individuals and groups for their outstanding contributions to the artistic and cultural life in Cambridge in the following categories.

Heart of the Arts Award

Distinguishes an individual or group, deserving of special recognition for their influence and contribution to the arts.

Literary Arts Award

For those who bring passion, dedication and encouragement to our literary arts.

Communications Award

For those who bring passion, dedication and encouragement to our artists in the media.

Music Award

For those who bring passion, dedication and encouragement to music.

Performing Arts Award

For those who bring passion, dedication and encouragement to our performing arts.

Visual Arts Award

For those who bring passion, dedication and encouragement to our visual arts and culture.

Outstanding Youth Award

For those youth, or youth groups, who bring passion, dedication and encouragement to our artistic and cultural life.

Recent Award Recipients


Congratulations to the following recipients who have all made outstanding contributions in the categories of Literary Arts, Communications, Music, Performing Arts, Visual Arts, and Outstanding Youth.

Marilyn Franks

Heart of the Arts Award

Patricia Oliver

Literary Arts Award

Dhaval Patel

Communications Award

Joy Schuster

Music Award

Sabatino Vacca

Performing Arts Award

Cambridge Sculpture Garden

Visual Arts Award

Oliver Côté

Outstanding Youth Award

Nominate Someone


Nominate a person, group, or organization who has made a significant contribution to the cultural life in The City of Cambridge in the fields of Literary Arts, Communications, Music, Performing Arts, Visual Arts, and Outstanding Youth.

Recognition is provided to individuals, groups or organizations who for a minimum of three (3) years prior to the recognition event, have either been a resident of The City of Cambridge, employed in Cambridge, or associated as a member with a relevant group or school in Cambridge.